TIL: Temporary data folder

The temporary directory for data storage is often used. It can be especially needed when the system prepares a file for sending, downloading, and processing data. The most common use of /tmp as the temporary directory is; however this can be dangerous!

Simply using the code below may not always work. You will feel it, mainly when you use releases or different operating systems.

  temp_file = Path.join("/tmp", file_name_variable)
  File.write!(temp_file, content)

Depending on the configuration, /tmp may be represented differently. But that’s not a problem for the Elixir language! Just make a small modification to fix this problem:

  temp_dir = System.tmp_dir!()

  temp_file = Path.join(temp_dir, file_name_variable)
  File.write!(temp_file, content)

System.tmp_dir!/0 may return different results, depending on environment variables and operating system. See the documentation for more details.

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