TIL: Regex with name bindings

Text processing is often part of computer systems. Sometimes it can be helpful to check regular expressions.

In Elixir, regular expressions can extract a lot of useful information. It is also possible to use names. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry about the order of matches. It can be great for data verification and further use of data in the system.

Example use Regex in your code:

  iex(1)> Regex.named_captures(~r/a(?<name>b)c(?<order>d)/, "abcd")
  %{"name" => "b", "order" => "d"}

  iex(2)> Regex.named_captures(~r/a(?<name>b)c(?<order>d)/, "abcd", return: :binary)
  %{"name" => "b", "order" => "d"}

  iex(3)> Regex.named_captures(~r/a(?<name>b)c(?<order>d)/, "abcd", return: :index)
  %{"name" => {1, 1}, "order" => {3, 1}}

Using Regex.named_captures/3 allows us to parse the input data based on the prepared regex. By default, the result will be the text that matches (return: :binary is the default). However, by specifying :index, we can limit ourselves to verifying that the expression was successfully matched, obtaining the initial position and matched length.

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