TIL: Personal development

I love podcasts because they can change a lot in our lives. Recently I was analyzing one, and I would like to share something that seems extremely important to me.

What is personal development?

We can achieve development by drawing conclusions. It’s simple! But I had a wrong view of it.

Personal development is a combination of determination and humility. After a whole week, we should find time to evaluate what we have learned and draw conclusions on what needs improvement.

We plan too much what we want to learn, to achieve. However, we think too little about what we are doing. Without an honest assessment of the current activities, it is impossible to go any further.

Development is not a competition with others

Instead of the rat race or comparison to others, we should focus on ourselves. We should stop and reflect on our duties, activities, and lives.

A successful week consists of what we have achieved and one designated aspect for improvement for the next week.

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