I started my blog - thoughts

Thank you for being there and reading what I am creating for you. It’s been a while since my first post. I have thought about starting blogging for a long time.

A blog is a great way to learn from your past. You can be your own teacher. Let me show you why I started my blog.

English language

The choice of language was one of the more difficult decisions at the beginning. I opted for the English version. Even though I am not a native speaker. I realize that sometimes I will have a grammar problem or my posts contain errors. I am sorry for that. Each post allows me to learn and reduce incomprehension. Small changes that will make me better with each post.

The English version also has other advantages. Due to the prevalence of this language, more people can understand us. Compare the percentage of your national language speakers to the number of potential readers. Instead of in your mother tongue, you should write in English immediately.

You may be as scared as I was at the beginning. But I will surprise you! Most of your audience is also non-native speakers. There are around 450 million native speakers in the world, while even five times more are non-native speakers! Creating easy-to-understand content is better than making fanciful grammar forms.

Avoid your own platform

At the very beginning, I spent a long time thinking about the platform. You can choose from many options: self-hosted Wordpress1, WordPress as a Service2, own created CMS3, or hundreds of other solutions.

My advice is: use a ready-made platform, not your own. I opted for GitHub Pages4. A simple solution that allows you to focus on content delivery. I will try to prepare more details in one of the next posts. With technical details to help you start!

Reduce fears - you’re breathtaking

For a long time, I was afraid that nobody would want to read what I prepared. I still feel it, but now I approach it differently. Instead of trying to impress someone, I see this blog as my own place. I am writing to share my knowledge, experience, and thoughts.

This blog is to support my mission of making the world a better place. Thanks to the comments, I feel an even greater need to create. Thanks for every comment and share in social media.

Let us not be afraid of opinions and criticism. This allows you fast personal development. It is also a motivation to fill gaps in knowledge or change our thinking.

Just write

When I decided to prepare the first entries, it took hours. I didn’t know how to start or what to say. Like most, I was afraid I had nothing to write about.

Remember that you can always write about something already well-known. Everyone understands the world differently. You organized your knowledge to understand a specific topic. Please share it with others. You can help someone.

It’s good to have a schedule for future entries. Systematic publication is useful for the recipient. It is better than ten posts appearing once and then nothing. The Internet is full of blogs that have 1-2 entries, blogs that have been abandoned.

That’s why I decided to publish every Wednesday. Sometimes there will be additional entries (such as the TIL series).


You have to give yourself time to reach your audience. This also applies to me. Writing at first can be difficult. It’s much easier later. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

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